International Organization for Standardization

Improving the quality of dentistry

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops standards through over 200 Technical Committees (TC), each representing a specific sector of activity. A major sector in ISO is healthcare technology and the principal TC for dentistry, where FDI provides expertise, is ‘ISO/TC106 (Dentistry)’. Its formal scope is ‘Standardization of terminology, methods of test and specifications applicable to materials, instruments, appliances and equipment used in all branches of dentistry’.

The International standards that are developed play a significant role in improving the quality of dentistry. With millions of dental products sold worldwide, the development of international dental standards is very important to assure the safety and quality of those products. Dental professionals worldwide use materials, devices, equipment and procedures that are covered by dental international standards.

The International standards that are developed play a significant role in improving the quality of dentistry. With millions of dental products sold worldwide, the development of international dental standards is very important to assure the safety and quality of those products. Dental professionals worldwide use materials, devices, equipment and procedures that are covered by dental international standards.

Logo ISO

International Organization for Standardization

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 165 national standards bodies.