Section of Defense Forces Dental Services
Executive Committee
Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately the 2020 SDFDS meeting in Shanghai couldn’t take place. A shame for all the hard work our Chinese colleagues already had done to prepare the meeting.
On September 2nd 2020 we decided to have the first digital SDFDS meeting. The meeting was hosted by our Chair CAPT(N) Bieber and moderated by our treasurer COL Picard. We were very honored by the attendance and opening by the president of the FDI Dr Seeberger.
107 military dentists from all over the world virtually attended the meeting. Seven presenters shared their lessons learned about COVID-19impact on military dentistry. It was a very useful and interesting meeting. After 2,5 hours of meeting our Chair rewarded every attendant with 3 credit points.
1900-2004 FDI Section of Defence Forces Dental Services
- Name
FDI Section of Defence Forces Dental Services - FDI Constitution
- Objectives
(Article III) "The objectives of the FDI shall be to represent the profession of dentistry on a voluntary, non-governmental, international basis; to arrange an Annual World Dental Congress and to establish and encourage international programmes which will advance the science and art of dentistry and the status of the profession of dentistry in the interest of improved oral and general health for all peoples." - Sections
(Paragraph 3.8 of Regulations)- Paragraph 3.8.1 "Sections are groups of individuals with a common occupation or special interest in a specific area of dentistry"
- Paragraph 3.8.2: "A Section of the FDI may be established by the Council."
- Paragraph 3.8.3: "The Section Executive shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Section and the election of the Executive shall be ratified by the Council. All members of the Section Executive shall be members of a Regular or Association Member Association of the FDI or be Individual Members of the FDI. By-laws of a Section shall be approved by the Council and the Sections shall report and be accountable to the Council."
- Paragraph 3.8.4: "Possible costs for the respective Sections shall be estimated and submitted to the Finance Committee."
- Objectives
- Role and Responsibilities
The role and responsibilities of the Section of Defence Forces Dental Services are:- To provide a world forum for the exchange of ideas, innovations and concepts within the areas of Defence Forces Dental Services.
- To recruit and retain Members of the Section, to interact with these Members and to facilitate communication between the Members of the Section.
- To develop and propose educational programmes for the Annual World Dental Congress and for other FDI Conferences.
- To develop and submit draft FDI Statements to the council and to regularly update such Statements.
- To provide reports and papers for consideration for publication in the publications of the FDI and/or on the FDI's website.
- To interact with other international and national organisations on behalf of FDI, as agreed.
- To provide expertise in the area to the Council.
- To submit a proposed budget for the activities of the Section annually.
- To report to and interact with the Executive Office throughout the year.
- To provide at least one written report to the Council annually.
- Membership
Any individual who is a Regular Force Officer, Reserve Officer, Retired Officer or who has an interest in an affiliation to military dentistry may become and be a Member of the Section. - Annual subscription
In accordance with the unanimous vote of the SDFDS membership (Vienna 2002), and as approved by the FDI Executive Director, it was decided that a tuition fee equivalent to $50 USD will be imposed on all military delegates to the annual SDFDS meeting. - Executive
- The Executive of the Section consists of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and four Members, who shall all be Members of a Regular or Associate Member Association of the FDI.
- Nominations for the positions on the Section Executive may be submitted by Member Associations and by the Members of the Section. (Provided the proposed new wording of paragraph 3.8.3 of the Constitution is approved by the General Assembly, the following text applies):
- The Members of the Executive are elected at the Annual Meeting of the Section for a term of three years and may be elected for only one additional three-year term. The elections are to be ratified by the Council. (If the current wording of paragraph 3.8.3 of the Constitution remains unchanged, the following text applies):
- On the recommendation of the Section, the Members of the Executive are appointed by the Council for a term of three years and may be appointed for only one additional three year term.
- The Members of the Executive are elected at the Annual Meeting of the Section for a term of three years and may be elected for only one additional three-year term. The elections are to be ratified by the Council. (If the current wording of paragraph 3.8.3 of the Constitution remains unchanged, the following text applies):
- Business meetings
A business meeting of the Section may be organised by the Executive at the Annual Word Dental Congress for discussions about membership, budgets, programmes and activities of the Section, regarding the Executive and any other business. - Ammendments of By-laws
The by-laws of the Section may be amended by the Council - after consultation with and on the recommendation of the Section.