
A conversation with Dr Gerhard Seeberger, new FDI World Dental Federation president

President (2019–2021),FDI World Dental Federation
Dr Gerhard K. Seeberger

What are you most looking forward to as the new FDI president?

During my term as president, I want to guarantee dignity: dignity for dentistry as a medical profession at the service of the people; dignity for people and patients; and, finally, dignity for FDI and its members. The latter will be conferred to dentists only if they tirelessly engage for the betterment of our global society.

What are your priorities for the next two years?

My priorities are guided by FDI’s 2018– 2020 Strategic Plan and its three strategic focus areas: membership, advocacy and knowledge transfer. My favorite is advocacy, as there is a fundamental need for it.

Today we live in a weak, almost decadent, society whose decisional power has shifted from politics to economics. Considering that oral diseases are still the most prevalent ones in the world, we have a responsibility to diligently scrutinize conflicts of interest in dental and medical research and oral health policy. Leading the world to optimal oral health – the FDI vision – can only be achieved with the support of our corporate partners. Through transparent working relationships and addressing any potential conflicts of interest up front, we will ensure the best medical treatment and care for our patients.

When did you join FDI and what inspired you to become an active member?

I became involved with FDI in 2004 as the National Liaison Officer and President of the AIO Italian Dental Association. I was never looking for a certain FDI position. My colleagues trusted in what I was saying and doing, and their communities’ needs were my strongest inspiration. Trust has been the reason for each position I’ve held at FDI since 2007, first as president of the European Regional Organization, and then as FDI Council member, speaker, and president-elect.

FDI’s vision is ‘leading the world to optimal oral health’. What does ‘optimal oral health’ mean to you?

Optimal oral health is strongly linked, but not limited to, FDI’s definition of oral health. The term ‘optimal’ leaves room for interpretation, and my humble, though subjective, interpretation is: oral health is optimal when it is part of a healthy person. Optimal is intrinsic, as there is no other kind!

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